Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Workshop Barcelona: Housing Reagents - Day 3

Group Presentation. Critical reflections from teachers and students.

Day 3: December 16h, 2011
09.00h Work in groups
13.30h Lunch
14.30h Conclusions. Each group presents their work uploaded on the Workspaces
18.00h End of the workshop

Students explained in an oral presentation the strategies that they had designed in teams. They presented new perspectives and ideas to transform the Plus Ultra neighborhood.
In this way, the final oral presentation allowed the exchange of views between students and teachers. Critical reflection of teachers was also useful for highlighting the positive and negative aspects of the work done and to encourage students to continue with this task in the courses and seminars in their respective universities.
Finally, the work done at the joint workshop was integrated into the sequence of tasks carried out within the learning activities. Thus, the results of it will feed the activities to be done afterwards.
Group presenting the strategies for improving the Plus Ultra neighbourhood.

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