Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Workshop Barcelona: Housing Reagents - Day 1

Introductory presentation by Prof. Dr. Leandro Madrazo 
Day 1: December 14th, 2011
09.00h Welcome: Prof. Dr. Leandro Madrazo
09.10h Plus Ultra: Case study for Housing Reagents: Prof. Angel Martin Cojo
09.30h Identifying Reagents in Plus Ultra. Task 9. Part I. Introduction general theme by La Salle’s group
10.30h Tea / Coffee break
11.00h Identifying Reagents in Plus Ultra. Task 9. Part II. Introduction general theme by La Salle’s group
12.00h First working meeting in groups
13.30h Lunch
14.30h Site visit

The teachers dr. Leandro Madrazo and Angel Martin gave two presentations to integrate the Workshop Housing Reagents with Learning Activities previously carried out in the OIKODOMOS virtual campus and to guide students in their next task. 
Professor dr. Leandro Madrazo explained the structure and pedagogical objectives of the virtual campus Oikodomos to show how the joint workshop is part of learning activities designed around the theme Housing Reagents. These Learning Activities are:

LA39 Dwelling: Reflections on the meaning of dwelling in contemporary societies.
LA40 Housing: Identifying and explaining Housing Reagents.
LA41 Case Studies and mapping exercises.
LA48 Design Strategy: Application of Reagents as a strategy to design a project.

Prof. Ángel Martin presenting the task.
Next, professor Angel Martin presented the task. He outlined the place (Plus Ultra neighborhood): its historical, urban and social conditions. 
As a starting point of the workshop, students commented the tasks that they had previously done in the virtual campus. Afterwards they visited the Plus Ultra neighborhood to gather information on site.

Student presenting work previously done in the virtual campus.

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